News from the Werval community

Werval 0.7.5

01 septembre 2015

Werval is an open source JVM based toolkit for building HTTP services. A lightweight core, live reload dev mode, useful modules, plugins for several build tools and multiple languages support leave you free to choose the right architecture for your domain.

Keep in sight that this is an early access release and that some edges may still be rough.

If you encounter any issue, please report by creating a new issue.


Dependency changes

  • Core

  • Upgrade Javassist from 3.19 to 3.20, see the history

  • Modules

  • Upgrade HikariCP from 2.3 to 2.4, see the history

  • Upgrade Jackson from 2.5 to 2.6, see the release-notes

  • Upgrade spymemcached from 2.11 to 2.12, see the history

  • Upgrade Spring from 4.1 to 4.2, see the changes-report

Werval 0.7.4

28 août 2015

Werval is an open source JVM based toolkit for building HTTP services. A lightweight core, live reload dev mode, useful modules, plugins for several build tools and multiple languages support leave you free to choose the right architecture for your domain.

Keep in sight that this is an early access release and that some edges may still be rough.

If you encounter any issue, please report by creating a new issue.


Bug fixes

  • (#255) Fix StartCommand fork command line -classpath

  • (#258) JOSE: Allow issuance of JWT without exp or nbf


  • (#254) Allow long numbers in configuration

  • (#256) Gradle Plugin now check Gradle version in use

New Features

  • (#259) The zest plugin provides Apache Zest™ applications support

Dependency changes

  • Core

  • Upgrade Netty from 4.0.27 to 4.0.30, see the announcements: 4.0.28, 4.0.29 and 4.0.30

  • Upgrade Typesafe Config from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0, see the changelog

  • Modules

  • Upgrade Commons Email from 1.3.3 to 1.4, see the changes-report

  • Upgrade Liquibase from 3.3.2 to 3.4.1, see the announcement

  • Upgrade Guice from 4.0-beta5 to 4.0, see the wiki

Werval 0.7.3

14 avril 2015

Werval is an open source JVM based toolkit for building HTTP services. A lightweight core, live reload dev mode, useful modules, plugins for several build tools and multiple languages support leave you free to choose the right architecture for your domain.

Keep in sight that this is an early access release and that some edges may still be rough.

If you encounter any issue, please report by creating a new issue.


Bug fixes

  • (#251) JOSE: Allow issuance of JWT without subject


  • (#252) Add server health-check to the SMTP module

Dependency changes

  • Core

  • Upgrade SLF4J from 1.7.10 to 1.7.12, see the announcements

  • Upgrade Javassist from 3.18 to 3.19, see the history

  • Upgrade Netty from 4.0.25 to 4.0.27, see the announcements: 4.0.26 and 4.0.27

  • Modules

  • Upgrade PostgreSQL JDBC driver from 9.3 to 9.4, see the history

  • Upgrade EclipseLink from 2.5 to 2.6, see the release-notes

  • Upgrade EhCache from 2.9 to 2.10, see the changes-report

  • Upgrade Jedis from 2.6 to 2.7, see the release-notes

Werval 0.7.2

18 mars 2015

Werval is an open source JVM based toolkit for building HTTP services. A lightweight core, live reload dev mode, useful modules, plugins for several build tools and multiple languages support leave you free to choose the right architecture for your domain.

Keep in sight that this is an early access release and that some edges may still be rough.

If you encounter any issue, please report by creating a new issue.


Bug fixes

  • (#249) Fix response code on request’s single-value constraints violations

  • (#250) Fix Netty server bahaviour on invalid/unparseable HTTP requests

Werval 0.7.1

06 mars 2015

Werval is an open source JVM based toolkit for building HTTP services. A lightweight core, live reload dev mode, useful modules, plugins for several build tools and multiple languages support leave you free to choose the right architecture for your domain.

Keep in sight that this is an early access release and that some edges may still be rough.

If you encounter any issue, please report by creating a new issue.


Bug fixes

  • (#242) Fix @AcceptContentType filter failure when Content-Type header absent

Werval 0.7.0

04 mars 2015

Werval is an open source JVM based toolkit for building HTTP services. A lightweight core, live reload dev mode, useful modules, plugins for several build tools and multiple languages support leave you free to choose the right architecture for your domain.

Keep in sight that this is an early access release and that some edges may still be rough.

If you encounter any issue, please report by creating a new issue.


Breaking changes

  • (#246) APIs now leverage Java 8 java.util.Optional

Bug fixes

  • (#239) Fix ReverseRoutes NPE if controller is interface and no parameters

  • (#242) Fix @AcceptContentType filter failure on Content-Type headers with charset info

New features

  • (#5) CORS support

  • (#241) JSON Web Token support


  • (#240) Allow filter annotations on filter annotations

  • (#243) Allow global filter annotations on Global object

  • (#244) DevShell now open http://localhost:port/ instead of when werval.http.address is

Werval 0.6.0

13 janvier 2015

Werval is an open source JVM based toolkit for building HTTP services. A lightweight core, live reload dev mode, useful modules, plugins for several build tools and multiple languages support leave you free to choose the right architecture for your domain.

Keep in sight that this is an early access release and that some edges may still be rough.

If you encounter any issue, please report by creating a new issue.


Release song is U can’t touch this by McHammer.

Breaking changes

  • (#233) Config.object( String key ) has been replaced by Config.atKey( String key ) and Config.atPath( String path )

Bug fixes

  • (#232 & #233) Fix dynamic modules documentation in development mode

  • (#235) Fix QueryString.Decoder that incorrectly added a null query param

New features

  • (#194) Hashid parameter binder


  • (#237) Controllers type lookup packages for routes can now be set in configuration

  • (#68) Server bootstrap now loads Application and HttpServer implementations through ServiceLoader

  • (#164) Performance enhancement, all equals() methods have been short-circuited

  • (#193) Tests now use a randomly choosen free port in test mode allowing to run tests while development mode is running

Dependency changes

Werval 0.5.1

14 décembre 2014

Following the 0.4.0 release, here is 0.5.1. This release is the first under the new project name werval.

One feature was added along the way: a Sanitize module that provide utilities for input/output sanitization and encoding thanks to several OWASP projects.

Werval is an open source JVM based toolkit for building HTTP services. A lightweight core, live reload dev mode, useful modules, plugins for several build tools and multiple languages support leave you free to choose the right architecture for your domain.

Keep in sight that this is an early access release and that some edges may still be rough.

If you encounter any issue, please report by creating a new issue.

Werval 0.4.0

28 novembre 2014

After almost two years of development driven by usage in various applications put to production, we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Werval 0.4.0.

Werval is an open source JVM based toolkit for building HTTP services. A lightweight core, live reload dev mode, useful modules, plugins for several build tools and multiple languages support leave you free to choose the right architecture for your domain.

After stabilizing the core, this version was baked with usability and ease of adoption in mind.

Keep in sight that this is an early access release and that some edges may still be rough.

If you encounter any issue, please report by creating a new issue.

Older news are available in the archive.